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tugas pengertian unix dan linux
logo unix, pemakaian unix pada mesin lain di mulai pada tahun 1976 1977 saat itu Denis Ritce dan Stephen Johnson berhasil memindahkan sistem unix ke sistem interdata 8 32 hal inilah yang menjasdi tambak sejarah yang menunjukan keportabilitasan unix sekitar tahun 1975 laboratorium memberikan unix ke universitas2x dengan imbalan

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Xenix Wikipedia
logo unix, XENIX is a discontinued version of the UNIX operating system for various microcomputer platforms licensed by Microsoft from AT T Corporation in the late 1970s The Santa Cruz Operation SCO later acquired exclusive rights to the software and eventually replaced it with SCO UNIX now known as SCO OpenServer In the mid to late 1980s XENIX was the most common UNIX variant measured

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Unix Wikipedia
logo unix, Developer Ken Thompson Dennis Ritchie Brian Kernighan Douglas McIlroy and Joe Ossanna at Bell Labs Written in C and assembly language OS family Unix Working state Current Source model Historically closed source while some Unix projects including BSD family and illumos are open source Initial release Development started in 1969 First manual published internally in November 1971

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BSD Daemon Wikipedia
logo unix, Overview The BSD Daemon is named after software daemons a class of long running computer programs in Unix like operating systems which through a play on words takes the cartoon shape of a demon The BSD Daemon s nickname Beastie is a slurred phonetic pronunciation of BSD Beastie customarily carries a trident to symbolize a software daemon s forking of processes

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Unix Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas
logo unix, Unix atau UNIX adalah sebuah sistem operasi komputer yang diawali dari project Multics Multiplexed Information and Computing Service pada tahun 1965 yang dilakukan American Telephone and Telegraph AT T General Electric GE dan Institut Teknologi Massachusetts MIT dengan biaya dari Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Departement of Defence Advenced Research Project DARPA

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MINIX Wikipedia
logo unix, MINIX from mini Unix is a POSIX compliant since version 2 0 Unix like operating system based on a microkernel architecture Early versions of MINIX were created by Andrew S Tanenbaum for educational purposes Starting with MINIX 3 the primary aim of development shifted from education to the creation of a highly reliable and self healing microkernel OS
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